I don't see why I couldn't make a living naming corporations. I read the billboards, I follow the securities fraud docket I know what's hip:
Ecoblast, accufarm, InfoSurp, byteRite.
I think I have a knack for this. But for the occasional spondee, it's really just dactylic syllable-cramming, right? With maybe a strategically applied bit of hyper- or hypo-capitalization for style's sake (see e.e. cummings). I should note as well that I also have a background in classical and Norse mythology, if you want to go that route:
Phobos Ltd., Ragnarok Industries, Sarpedon & Co., Typhon Health Care.
And for you car manufacturers, I'm also working up a list of proposed model names, a medium that I find peculiarly amenable to the jargon of literary theory:
Toyota Collage, Chevy Hermeneutic, Kia Phenomenon, Dodge Discourse.
All these names spun off the top of my head. I tell you, my brain is just chock-full of sophisticated-sounding names for corporations and products. Write me with your depressingly naive business plan or design specs of your unmarketable product, along with $19.95 (cash is fine, though I prefer money orders), and I'll custom-select a business-saving beauty from the 6000+ entries already on my Excel chart and send it off to you straightaway.