

Serving up inflammatory chestnuts since . . . well, today.

Friday, August 06, 2004

Let's see if we can't get us some Mos-lems today. Let's get That Other Guy We Busted and cut a deal with him. We'll tell him to go find us a mosque and take some Mos-lems' temperature on a money-laundering scheme. We'll have The Guy say he's trafficking in missiles . . .

We don't have any missiles, boss.

Dumb-ass! Of course we don't have any missiles. But we're not busting these Mos-lems for their missiles. We're busting them for money laundering.

Oh, sorry.

That's the beauty of it. We'll send our guy in talking about missiles, see if he can get these guys to bite on a conspiracy to launder money. And when they do, we'll bust the crap out of them. And then we'll have us some Mos-lems.

Why do we want Moslems?

We want Mos-lems so we can say we're cracking down on terrorism. What, are you really that stupid? That's why we're sending the guy in talking about shoulder-fired missiles . . . They're the kind of missiles you can shoot an airliner down with. Do you get it?


Well you're just thick. Let me spell it out for you. The news will report that we busted us some Mos-lems, some A-rabs, who were going to launder money for a guy who had missiles he could use to shoot down an airliner. Now do you get it?

But there was no guns or money laundering.

Boy, you're just the thickest kid I've seen on the Bureau this week. The point is we'll have got us some Mos-lems now. We'll have caught us some genu-wine, bona fide mu-ja-hee-deen for the newspapers. Now get on the phone and call That Other Guy We Busted. Get him down here and wire him.

Uh, yes sir. But I have to ask: what was the crime again?

posted by Phutatorius at  #1:17 PM.

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