

Serving up inflammatory chestnuts since . . . well, today.

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

More quick hits:

• It appears that right-wing movers and shakers are lobbying to get Reagan's head on the dime. I've got a better idea: leave FDR where he is, and put Nixon on the flipside. That way we have a bipartisan coin and no dispute about which side is "Tails."

• This just in: A Plague of Mad Cows prompts desperate Bush Administration officials to sacrifice 450 male calves to their vengeful Old Testament God.

• Commie Talk: If you want to know how class calcification happens, check out upscale toymaker Playmobil's MRI machine playset. Then remember how your aspirations were shaped by the limbless (polio-stricken?) figures on hand-me-down Fisher Price and Playskool farms. Dunno if you remember Playskool's cross-promotion with McDonald's, but red-hot Mad Ave gossip says Playmobil is in talks with Four Seasons on a similar project.

• And from the "I Knew He Was Gonna Write About This" Department: A man named Jason Alexander tries to see how many checks he can write in two days. Somewhere off in Syndication Limbo, George Costanza is in Jerry's apartment saying, "Why didn't I think of that?"

• It remains a mystery to me why, with the twenty-first century in the state it's in, the HeadUpYourAss.com domain remains unregistered.

posted by Phutatorius at  #12:54 AM.

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