

Serving up inflammatory chestnuts since . . . well, today.

Thursday, December 18, 2003

Today's Guilty Movie Thought, from two hours into It's a Wonderful Life:

Pottersville looks like a blast. Who wouldn't prefer its Main Street's pool halls, weekly prizefights, and legions of dancing girls to the humdrum laundromatscapes of Bedford Falls? It grieves me to say it, George Bailey, but a petition is circulating in the community to ensure that you were never born. And they almost have the 400 signatures required to override your say on the matter, too. Pundits say that by Christmas morning the townsfolk will be back to drinking, gambling, rough-housing, and hassling women at pre-Bailey Redemption levels.

Oh, and Clarence — you're grounded.

posted by Phutatorius at  #11:13 PM.

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