

Serving up inflammatory chestnuts since . . . well, today.

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

So the Wife and I went to see the Boston Pops Holiday program Saturday night, Pops Dude Emeritus John Williams conducting. It was a glorious evening, and the Wife, as is her wont, looked smashing. Here follows an incomplete record of what crossed my mind during the performance:

Do they take drink orders after the music starts? — Diet Coke, some kind of wine for the Wife . . . ooh! And a cheese plate! — For my part, I could do with fewer violins and more drums. — Richard's post about headscarves . . . was he really talking about the Establishment Clause, or was I just ranting? — It seems to me that what they're playing has nothing at all to do with the way John Williams is waving his arms. There seems to be a complete disjunct there. — What do you suppose the sleigh bell ringer does for the rest of the year? — Great single-serving package diversity on the cheese plate: wax, plastic wrap, and foil. — Hey, John: how about "Merry Christmas (I Don't Wanna Fight Tonight)" by the Ramones?

* * * INTERMISSION * * *

Hold the phone. Did he just say Orrin Hatch wrote the lyrics to this song? — The red-haired guy with the viola looks just like Josh from The West Wing. Except, of course, that he's red-haired. — We're pretty deep into this thing, and I haven't heard a cell phone ring yet. There have, however, been several premature claps. — Wait a minute. Is Walter Matthau dead or alive? I think I remember a news story. God damn, it's so hard to keep track . . . — I wonder how much that giant suspended snowflake weighs. — This woman to my left is eerily ga-ga about the Home Alone program selections. Thank God the woman to my right is my wife — DRUM SOLO! ROCK 'N' ROLL! — I forgot not to shave again (sigh!) at this rate I'll never get this beard grown by Christmas. — Is that Mayor Menino in the Santa suit? — [cell phone rings, three tables up] . . . and that completes the evening.

posted by Phutatorius at  #9:29 PM.

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