

Serving up inflammatory chestnuts since . . . well, today.

Thursday, August 14, 2003

My sources report to me that the HMS Phutatorius has sprung its first link. An anonymous and irresponsible camerado has taken my cue to start his own blog.

He's a good man with many talents — he can heal you with his eyes, for one — and we blogging types need to stand tall and promote one another. The Bloomsbury and punk rock movements were born of similar alliances.

So go, determined reader, and seek out the footprints of Genius at "Web-Log." As our man has left no address to which you might write him encouragement, close your eyes and will him the time and ambition to keep posting.

The great and wise Ur-Blogger Pat Benatar has declared it: We are strong — No one can tell us we're wrong. Blog is a battlefield. So let's paint ourselves blue with Berserker paste and cry FREEDOM.

posted by Phutatorius at  #10:55 AM.

Say something!


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